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  • 1.  Accounting Interns

    Platinum Most Valuable Member
    Posted 11-26-2024 03:05 PM

    Hi Friends!

    So happy to see many of you at ATS last week!  A friend of mine is an Accounting Professor at SUNY Farmingdale.  He called to let me know that have many students looking for internships in the upcoming semester.  If you are looking to take on an intern, feel free to email me and I will forward his information to you. 

    Happy Thanksgiving to all!


    Sandra Johnson
    Bellmore NY

  • 2.  RE: Accounting Interns

    Gold Most Valuable Member
    Posted 11-26-2024 03:08 PM

    Hi Sandy,


    Is there a "standard" number of hours we should be giving them or a standard hourly pay?

    Any more details?




    Mark L. Stone, CPA, MST

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  • 3.  RE: Accounting Interns

    Platinum Most Valuable Member
    Posted 11-26-2024 03:19 PM

    Hi Mark,

    I don't really know but I'll be speaking to my friend tomorrow or early next week and can get you some more details. 

    Happy Thanksgiving!



    Sandra G Johnson, CPA, EA, CFE


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    109 Bedford Avenue

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