This webinar, or "mini-symposium," is a joint venture of NCCPAP Eastern Massachusetts, South Florida, Delaware Valley, Westchester and the Nassau/Suffolk Chapters. The event will be streamed from Long Island to various sites hosted by the South Florida, Delaware Valley,Westchester and Eastern Massachusetts Chapters of NCCPAP in their corresponding states/neighborhoods. The sites have been chosen with the registrants in mind: ease of access, parking, centralized location, and comfort-please click on the location button for a link to the venue in the area of your choice.
This symposium for will offer a combination of one day of live seminars and one day of live morning panels focusing on local tax law or Identity Theft cases, followed by the live stream of 3 of the most popular sessions offered on Thursday at the LITPS main location.
These symposiums have been scheduled to mimic our own LITPS schedule, starting with a networking breakfast, continuing with the high quality seminars that we have come to expect from a NCCPAP-sponsored event, outreach from the local IRS Stakeholder Liason (where feasible) to assist practitioners with cases (available based upon pre-registration), and ending with a networking cocktail party (available based upon sponsorships). We hope to generate the same enthusiasm, good will, and camaraderie at these locations as we have experienced on Long Island over the past 10 years and in 2011 at our first "mini-symposium."
This is just the beginning; we hope to build on the 2012 webinar-symposium and offer similar or expanded programs to these and additional locations in the future. Thank you for your interest in the program and willingness to join us in using modern technology to bring nationally recognized speakers to you.