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Form 2555 - Foreign Earned Income

  • 1.  Form 2555 - Foreign Earned Income

    Posted 02-20-2021 09:02 PM
    Hi All.

    I have a client who works for a major hotel chain.  He is a German citizen.  He worked in NY from 1/1/20 – 3/7/20.  He then traveled to Germany for vacation.  While in Germany, the travel ban from Europe became effective as of 3/11/20 (because of Covid-19) and my client was not permitted to return to NY for the remainder of the year.  He was able to work remotely from Germany. This was not his choice.  Can he use Form 2555 - Foreign Earned Income because he was banned from returning to the US?  This way he can pro-rate his earned income between his days in the US and his days worked in Germany.

    Any thoughts / guidance would be appreciated.


    Harlan Schier
    Harlan Schier, CPA
    Melville NY

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