
Join Us at NCCPAP NOW on January 21, 2025

By Alexandra DeNiro posted 27 days ago

Trusts and Estates
Don’t miss out on this important session featuring our guest speaker, current NCCPAP Executie Vice President, Gary R. Brown CMA, CPA, CITP, CGMA, PFS
CPAs need to be informed about how to handle returns in case of death of a taxpayer as well as how to prepare returns for Trusts and Estates.  This information includes knowing how to report income received after death, the different types of trusts, and reporting for larger estates or those in which the surviving spouse wishes to utilize the deceased individuals estate exclusion.  This is a specialty practice area that many CPAs may not handle or be aware of some of the nuances of these returns.
The session will address various aspects of filing Form 1041 and 706 including what background information is needed, the differences between various trusts and how a surviving spouse can inherit the unused portion of their deceased spouse’s estate and gift tax exemption.  The session will also address some potential sunset changes and ideas for 2026.

Register now for this NCCPAP NOW Session.

  • When: Tuesday, January 21, 2025 | 12PM-1:30PM ET
  • Location: Zoom Meeting
  • Price: Free for Members
  • 1.5 CPEs (Taxes)
Featured Speakers:
Neil H. Fishman, CPA, CFE, FCPA, CAMS
NCCPAP President
Stephen F. Mankowski, CPA, CGMA
NCCPAP Tax Co-Chair

NCCPAP Executive Vice President

About our Featured Speaker, Gary R Brown, CPA, CMA, CGMA, PFS, CITP:
Gary is the current NCCPAP Executive Vice President and has served on various committees with NCCPAP.  Owner of a boutique CPA practice in Georgetown Texas, he has been an active member of Texas CPA and Tax groups and has been a speaker for various professional groups around the country.  Currently President of the Georgetown Rotary Club, he has received recognition as Financial Executive of the Year by Institute of Management Accountants and Robert Half International plus was recognized by NATP as Chapter Person of the Year for Relationships with Other Taxing Bodies.

Register Now!

