By Frank Sands CPA, National President, NCCPAP Here are a few thoughts from my perspective. We are experiencing challenging times for CPAs, especially for those of us who lead small firms or are sole practitioners. The Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) and the new Statements on Standards for...
NCCPAP National Quarterly Conference By Mark A. Stewart, Jr., CPA, National President, NCCPAP June 22, 2021—NCCPAP recently held its National Quarterly Conference on June 7-9, 2021. Our summary of important topics includes: Meetings with Congress and the IRS The NCCPAP...
Accounting & Auditing: Upcoming Changes Present Challenges and Opportunities By Mark A. Stewart, Jr., CPA, National President, NCCPAP February 9, 2021— Many of us in the accounting profession are no doubt buried behind the tidal wave of accounting issues brought about by The...
Another Month, Another Multi-Thousand Page Bill to Absorb By Mark A. Stewart, Jr., CPA, National President, NCCPAP January 12, 2021—On the eve of the 2020 holiday season, CPA practitioners received both a gift and a lump of coal in their stocking—the Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2021...
To My Friends at NCCPAP: By Mark A. Stewart, Jr., CPA, National President, NCCPAP December 4, 2020—This year has brought enough hardships for a lifetime. Our profession has been one of the lucky few ones that has actually thrived during the pandemic; however, we must remember that many...
To My Friends at NCCPAP: By Mark A. Stewart, Jr., CPA, National President, NCCPAP November 4, 2020—There is no greater honor in this profession than to be recognized by your peers. I am beyond humbled that all of you have put your faith in me to lead NCCPAP, our organization. I...
Some Final Comments By Neil H. Fishman, CPA, CFE, FCPA, CAMS, National President, NCCPAP October 20, 2020—It is hard to believe that I became President of NCCPAP only two years ago. In my first message as President, I made the comment that some people were thinking, “What took so long...
Topics Include: IRS Highlights, Taxpayer First Office, Office of Professional Responsibility, Return Preparer Office, and Wage & Investment Immediate Past President and current Tax Chair, Stephen Mankowski, CPA, recently attended the monthly IRS Meeting. IRS Highlights: Services ...
“It Was the Best of Times; It Was the Worst of Times.” By Neil H. Fishman, CPA, CFE, FCPA, CAMS, National President, NCCPAP September 3, 2020—As I write this message, Congress is on its annual summer break for the month of August and will not return until September 8. When they return,...
“May you live in interesting times” By Neil H. Fishman, CPA, CFE, FCPA, CAMS, National President, NCCPAP What we have experienced in the first half of this year has never been seen by most people alive today—a combination of the Spanish Influenza Pandemic of 1919 combined with the Stock...